Our Services

  • Wills, Living Wills, POA, MDPOA, 5 Wishes

    The best gift you can leave behind is organization. I help get your documents in order, help you determine what documents you need, can guide you through creating a will and a living will, and can help you understand what choices you have at the end of life.

  • 20 years in the industry has helped me create a huge network of resources to help with end-of-life planning. I can help you explore the options available and help navigate utilizing those resources. I understand the processes and challenges and help to ensure you know all options available.

  • I help ensure your final wishes are honored. Together we explore your wishes for your final days and hours. Once those are in place, I make sure they are followed out. From room set up to music and blankets, to who you want with you, planning brings comfort. I can help plan out your funeral, memorial service, living wake, etc. Then ensure logistically the details are carried out.

  • How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to leave behind? What do you need to say to friends and loved ones? Planning and conversations can bring comfort to the person dying and the friends and family involved. I help you explore so death can be as comfortable as possible.

  • Medical Aid in Dying and Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking are legal choices in Colorado. While this choice may not be right for everyone, I can help support those that choose this. Locating doctors and resources, logistics, dates and planning are services I provide.

  • Death is not an easy topic to discuss. As an End of Life Doula, my goal is to make death a part of life and talking about it is the best way to accomplish that. I can help you find the words needed, I can facilitate conversations between family, friends and loved ones.

  • Whether you want to have a traditional funeral, home funeral, green burial, or have your ashes be made into a firework, I help explore resources so you know all options.